Make These Colorful DIY Birdfeeders This Summer

bird nests

If you enjoy waking up to the sound of birds singing and chirping, then you may want to check out how you can make your own birdfeeder. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to do some bird-watching from your very own porch; try these DIY birdfeeders by Homemade Charlotte. With these birdfeeders, you’ll have a variety of feathery visitors.


  • Bird Seed
  • FolkArt Outdoor Acrylic Paint
  • Washi Tape
  • Paintbrush
  • Jumbo Popsicle Sticks
  • Clear Plastic Tube
  • Permanent Marker
  • String
  • Precision Scissors
  • Craft Knife


Step 1: Grab your clear plastic tube; you can use a tube that holds tennis balls or badminton birdies, and with the Washi tape, create your desired designs. You can make stripes or angles or anything you prefer.

Step 2: Using the FolkArt Outdoor Acrylic Paint apply one coat of paint and then let it completely dry.

Step 3: Carefully remove the tape once the paint has dried to reveal your design.

Step 4: Now, you need to create a place where the birds will stand. Grab the permanent marker and draw a line as wide as the popsicle stick. NOTE: Don’t draw the lines too far up the clear tube because it’s a gravity feeder.

Step 5: Using the craft knife and precision scissors, cut a slit wide enough for the popsicle stick to slide through.

Step 6: Draw another line directly across from the other side of the clear tube and cut a slide, and pull the popsicle stick through.

 Step 7: With the stand in place, you need to cut a place where the birds will feed. Right above the popsicle stick, cut a short triangle. NOTE: This will allow the feed to pour onto the popsicle stick and so the bird can feed slowly.

Step 8: If you’re using a tennis ball tube, cut or drill a hole into the lid so that you can thread a piece of string through to form a loop. NOTE: If your tube does not have a lid, you can cut holes on the side of the tube for the string.

Step 9: Pour the bird seed into the container and hang your birdfeeder. NOTE: If your tube has two entryways, make sure to secure the bottom of the tube with a lid and glue, or you risk all your bird feed falling out.

Step 10: Enjoy the sound of birds singing!

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Build Your Birdfeeders Today

If you want to build your own birdfeeders, grab the keys to your Tarr Chevrolet vehicle and head to your local store to stock up on all the necessary supplies. You won’t regret making this birdfeeder because you get to enjoy all the colorful birds that will come and feed on your porch or back patio.

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