Warning Signs That You May Need New Tires

Checking Tire Tread Depth with a PennyNewer vehicle technology has made it easier to know when something is wrong with your tires. Most cars now include a tire pressure monitoring system that will alert you when tire pressure falls below a safe level. Some cars even display a tire-by-tire pressure reading. If you have a system like this, it’s easy to think your tires don’t require much monitoring. The truth, however, is far from that.

Check out these warning signs that your vehicle could be due for a new set of tires!

Cracks in the Rubber

Tires are made of rubber, and it’s natural that it will begin to show cracks after a while. If you notice cracks developing in your tires, it’s probably time for a new set. These cracks can pop up from both improper use and tire age.

Bubbles on the Side

Look for bubbles on the sides and, less commonly, in the treads of your tires. These bubbles appear due to both production defects and the natural process of air escaping through the various layers of your tires. In either case, bubbles merit a tire replacement.

Unusual Noise or Vibrations

Everyone experiences some degree of noise or vibration on the road. But if you sense something strange, it’s a good idea to check your tires. Uneven wear on tires and misalignments can cause an unusual degree of noise or vibrations. Have your car inspected by a service center to be sure.

Uneven Tire Tread Wear

When you check your tires for wear and tear, it’s important to inspect the whole tire. Sometimes, the treads can wear unevenly, causing one part to look fine while the other is completely worn down. Improper inflation levels, misaligned wheels, and suspension damage can all cause uneven wear.

Low Tire Tread

One of the easiest ways to see if your tires are due for a replacement is with the Penny Test. Insert an upside-down penny into your tire tread. If you can still see the top of Lincoln’s head, then your tread is too far worn down, and it’s time for a replacement.

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Tarr Chevrolet in Knoxville, TN

If you have questions about the health of your tires, visit the service specialists at Tarr Chevrolet located in Jefferson City near Knoxville, TN. We have a variety of tire specials and coupons that can help you stay safe and outfit your vehicle with a new set of tires!

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