Make 2021 Better With A New Hobby

Mother and son playing board game at homeAs we get ready to wave goodbye to 2020, many people are beginning to think about New Year’s resolutions. Now is the time to shuck off bad habits and set positive goals for 2021. One of the ways to bring a dose of productivity into your life is with a new hobby. Check out this list of beneficial pastimes, and reap the rewards of a healthy habit you can enjoy!

1. Biking, Hiking, or Walking

Physical pursuits are some of the easiest and most inexpensive ways to take up a new hobby. They come with the added benefit of exercise, too. You can start walking in your own neighborhood or city, exploring areas that you don’t often see. A bike has the same benefit of exercise and exploration, and you might find you enjoy this more eco-friendly form of transportation the more you do it.

If you live in a city with hiking nearby, suit up on a Saturday, bring your friends or pets, and enjoy getting some exercise while reconnecting with nature.

2. Reading

With all of the entertainment options we have today, reading isn’t always at the forefront. But this simple and easy pastime deserves a spot on the list. Many communities have local libraries that provide books for free. You can also check out apps like Libby that connect library members with a free, digital collection of eBooks and audiobooks. 

3. Board and Card Games

A staple of family night, board and card games are popular for a reason. While you’re staying inside this winter, try picking up a few new games and learn the rules. It’s an excellent way to unplug and connect with family and friends, all while enjoying some healthy competition.

Classics like chess and many other games have digital counterparts, too. You can enjoy these games with friends even when you’re home alone.

4. Decluttering

While it may sound like a chore on the surface, decluttering can be strangely satisfying. It’s become so popular, in fact, that Netflix has launched a series all about tidying up your space.

Start by separating your things into items that you use daily, items that you sometimes use, and those that you never use. The latter pile can be donated or trashed. If it’s your first time decluttering, check out some of these plans to get you started.

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Tarr Chevrolet

While you’re picking up a new hobby, consider picking up a new ride from Tarr Chevrolet. Get started online by browsing our selection of new and pre-owned vehicles. 

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