You Will Fall In Love With These Delicious S’mores Recipes

Assembled S'more in front of fire

When you think of making s’mores, you probably think of a few things: they have graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows, and you eat them when you’re seated around a fire in the woods. Of course, this may be the situation in which you’re most likely to see s’mores, but did you know they’re a lot more versatile than you might think? That’s right. There are so many different ways to make s’mores if you just get creative enough. Therefore, different s’mores recipes can be good for different situations. So, whether you’re seated around the campfire or in the comfort of your own home, you should check out some absolutely delicious ways to make this classic dessert. Here are some ideas.

Candied Bacon S’mores

Here’s one idea that meat lovers are going to go wild over: candied bacon s’mores. The saltiness of the bacon perfectly complements the sweet ingredients used for the rest of the recipe, which is just part of what makes this dish so magical. It may sound unusual if you’ve never paired bacon and chocolate before, but don’t worry – it really is going to be tasty. Try it out for yourself if you’ve always wondered what s’mores would taste like with a bit of a savory flavor.

Roasted Berry S’mores

Try incorporating berries into your recipe for a little sour punch. Roasting berries makes them taste delicious, and they’re even better when they’re topping off a chocolate-y graham cracker. Fruit lovers will certainly want to try this recipe.

Salted Caramel S’mores

Salted caramel is all the rage these days, and it’s not hard to tell why. Sometimes, sweet desserts can be over the top when they have too much sugar. But the salt in the salted caramel in this recipe cuts through those super-sweet flavors to create something a bit more interesting. You’ll definitely want to try these out for yourself.

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Mexican Chocolate S’mores

If you don’t have a ton of extra ingredients in your home, you may still be able to make Mexican chocolate s’mores. You simply add some cinnamon and chili powder to the mix. If you’ve ever had Mexican hot chocolate, these s’mores taste similar. So, it makes sense why this is such a popular recipe.

The next time you make s’mores, try switching it up and trying something new with these clever ideas!

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