Chill Out With These Delicious Chili Recipes

Fresh Bowl of Chili with Corn Bread.With the colder months finally upon us, warming up with a delicious bowl of hot chili can be one of the best ways to spend an evening. Cold nights spent around the table with your family enjoying a nice cup of chili can easily be considered to be a wintertime tradition for most families. If you’re like most people, you even have a classic, handed-down recipe that has been with your family for generations. 

While your own recipe may be the perfect go-to chili when it’s time to get the family fed, you may be missing out on some other tasty spins on a classic favorite. From Beef Chili to White Chicken Chili to many others, trying a new version of a family favorite is a must this winter. That’s why Epicurious has come up with this exciting list of must-try chilis for you and your family! Here are two of our favorites.

Beef Chili

This new twist on a classic dish will soon become an instant favorite for you and your family. What sets this Beef Chili apart from your ordinary chili is that it calls to forgo the chili powder. Instead, you’ll need to soak and puree whole dried chilis to mix into the traditional Texas-style dish. For a pro tip, remember that it can be faster and easier to brown the meat in large pieces and then chop them afterward.

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White Chicken Chili

Although the jury is still out on whether this is chili or just a hearty chicken and bean stew, everyone can agree that this White Chicken Chili is a must-have in your recipe book during the colder months. Due to the fact that this chili (or stew) is so popular, you may want to consider making a double batch so that you can save some for leftovers. After all, soups and chilis can be some of the best leftovers available. No matter what you call this concoction, it is guaranteed that you and your family will definitely be coming back for seconds.

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