10 Activities For Kids This Summer

Female little friends enjoying snacks while watching film on laptop in tent during slumber party

Summer is here, and school is out. But after a few days, boredom can set in for some kids. However, sitting inside every day means kids will miss the great weather, bright sunshine, and healthy activity. And parents often wrack their brains to think of easy things that can fit into often busy lifestyles between work and obligations. Fortunately, there are many great activities you can organize with little fuss to keep kids busy this summer. So try these 10 tips to make this summer fun for everyone.

1.      Out in Nature

You can take the kids on a gentle hike at a nearby trail or organize something more vigorous if tougher trails are around. But for smaller kids and everyday activities, consider a craft like creating a birdhouse. Kids can fill it with bird seed and place it where they can observe feathered friends stopping by.

2.      Garden Gurus

If you have a little space in the yard, help the kids make a small garden. Of course, you can plant directly into the ground or set up a raised bed. Then let kids choose the seeds they want to grow. In addition, you can help the kids plant their pots if you’re working in a smaller space like a balcony.

3.      Rainy Days Are Rad

If a thunderstorm rolls through and keeps the kids indoors, don’t fret. There are tons of great activities kids can do while the rain pours down. Kids can perfect their fort-building skills or learn a new hobby like origami.

4.      Scavenger Hunt

If the kids are stuck indoors because of rain or extreme heat, keep them busy with a scavenger hunt. You can prepare the quest ahead of time and send them searching for everyday objects. Use mysterious clues that encourage kids to think critically.

5.      Learn About Letterboxing

Try letterboxing for an outdoor treasure hunt that will intrigue the whole family. This hobby has many enthusiasts who create their rubber stamps and search for letterboxes based on clues. Search online for a database that offers local letterbox clues.

6.      Marble Race Madness

An old pool noodle can be the basis for a fun and exciting racetrack for marbles. First, cut the pool noodle in half. Then, you can create different length race tracks. For more ideas, check out Marble Rally racing on YouTube. There, you’ll see some creative tracks.

7.      Put on a Show

All the world’s a stage, so send the kids to create an outdoor production of their favorite TV show or movie. They can set up a stage and create their costumes and props. Then have them perform for the family or even the neighborhood.

8.      Make it Sporting

The whole family will enjoy taking the time to see a sporting event. One great way is to visit the local minor league for community fun and great play. Another option is to organize a family game of flag football or soccer.

9.      Competitive Puzzling

Maybe grandma gifted the kids a 500-piece puzzle, but they aren’t enthused. Instead, try switching it up and setting a timer. Then whoever puts together more of a puzzle by the buzzer gets a prize.

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10. Kindness Rocks

Combine art, kindness, and a little outdoor walking. First, gather larger, flat rocks. Then have the kids paint and decorate the rocks with pictures and kind messages. After that, have the kids take the rocks and hide them around the neighborhood for others to find.

Summertime doesn’t have to be the waiting period between the end and beginning of school. With these great activities, kids will be undoubtedly active and engaged, and you’ll banish the boredom for everyone.

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