Sweeten Your Summer With These Homemade Ice Cream Recipes

A pan of homemade peach ice cream

You can only combat the hot summer days in Jefferson City, TN with a few things. You might stay cool by blasting the air-conditioning in your home or car.  Maybe you have time to find the nearest body of water to go swimming in. Roy Harmon Park anyone? Or, you can cool off by enjoying an iced or frozen dessert. Around here, homemade ice cream is a favorite summer treat and we’ve found a list of amazing ice cream recipes for our customers to try. Keep reading to find a flavor you’ll love.

Fruity Homemade Ice Cream Flavors

One of the many upsides to summer is the number of fresh fruits available. You can add peak season strawberries, blueberries, or blackberries to your ice cream maker and churn up something berry delicious. Or, you can try adding cherries, peaches, plums, and other stone fruits to your ice cream mix.  Here are a few fruity ice cream flavors for you to try.

Chocolatey Homemade Ice Cream Flavors

There are very few desserts that won’t benefit from a chocolatey version, and ice cream is no exception. Whether you’re drizzling hot fudge over your favorite vanilla ice cream, doling heaping scoops onto a chocolate chip brownie, or churning it into the perfect chocolate milkshake, no one can deny the wondrous taste of chocolate and ice cream together. So, try a few of the chocolate ice cream flavors below this summer.

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Bakery-Inspired Homemade Ice Cream Flavors

Cake and ice cream, pie and ice cream, cookies and ice cream — there are plenty of baked goods that are simply enhanced when you add a scoop of creamy homemade ice cream. So, why not pre-mix the two deserts. For ice cream inspired by your favorite bakery items, take a look at the recipes below.

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