4 Knoxville Restaurants To Order Your Next Meal From

A high angle close up shot of a bite of blueberry pie on a fork.

Sometimes, you get tired of eating the same thing all the time. And if you’re cooking on a regular basis, that’s almost bound to happen. After all, you can’t think of something new all the time, especially when you live a busy life. So, when you’re feeling like eating something new, it may be worth your time to check out a new restaurant in town. Lots of places offer takeout, so you can even enjoy your food from the comfort of your own home – without having to cook for yourself, of course. Here are some of the best Knoxville restaurants you should be ordering from.

The Tomato Head

If you’re looking for fresh, unfussy, and delicious food, you can’t go wrong with an order from The Tomato Head. This is one of the most popular restaurants in town, and it’s not hard to tell why. The food here is simple, but the chefs care about quality. You’ll be able to tell from the very first dish you order. There are also plenty of options for vegans, vegetarians, and carnivores alike, so just about everyone can chow down at this local spot.

Buttermilk Sky Pie Shop

Sometimes, you don’t even need a full meal: You just need the dessert. When that’s how you’re feeling, then a trip to Buttermilk Sky Pie Shop is certainly in order. The pies here are absolutely out of this world. Once you try one, you’re going to want to keep going back to try out more. Don’t be afraid to branch out here – everything is delicious.

Chandler’s Deli

You don’t always need something fancy when you order takeout from a restaurant. From time to time, you want some good old-fashioned comfort food. Luckily, that’s what you’ll find at Chandler’s Deli. No matter what you order here, you’re not going to be disappointed. This place is an especially good spot for lunch. WFH break, anyone?

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Why settle for less when it comes to amazing Mexican food when you know you can always take a trip to Chivo? Chivo is popular as the place to go for tacos and more. The stuff here is a little upscale and a little out of the ordinary, and you’re going to love every second of it. Don’t feel like eating inside the restaurant? No problem – you can always order takeout instead.

Eat the very best food in town at your own dinner table when you order from these local Knoxville restaurants.

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