When you think of making s’mores, you probably think of a few things: they have graham crackers, chocolate, and marshmallows, and you eat them when you’re seated around a fire in the woods. Of course, this may be the situation in which you’re most likely to see s’mores, but did... [read more]
Halloween is one of the best holidays of the year. That’s especially true if you have kids. It’s so exciting to see them get into the spirit of the season. It’s a great opportunity to watch themed movies, do some crafts, or even go shopping to pick out a Halloween... [read more]
When it’s time for you to buy a new vehicle, you may not know exactly what you’re looking for. How do you know when you find the right ride, after all? You probably want something powerful, attractive, and efficient. Luckily for you, the Chevy Blazer offers all that and much... [read more]
Now that the colder weather is right around the corner, you’re probably planning what you’re going to do during the fall. After all, you want to celebrate the season right. But when you’re so busy with everything else in your life, something like decorating can seem too difficult to get... [read more]
Some foods make us feel good whenever we eat them. For example, take fried chicken. This comfort food classic is hard not to love – who doesn’t like a breaded, fried piece of meat? But many people think that making fried chicken is too difficult to pull off correctly. For... [read more]
Sometimes, you get tired of eating the same thing all the time. And if you’re cooking on a regular basis, that’s almost bound to happen. After all, you can’t think of something new all the time, especially when you live a busy life. So, when you’re feeling like eating something... [read more]
Even the most careful and conscientious driver can be involved in an accident. When the unexpected happens, you need to know where to turn to get your car back to pre-crash condition. That's when you turn to the auto body experts at Tarr Collision Center! Wondering what makes us the... [read more]
It's no secret that Knoxville is surrounded by history. Founded in the late 1800s as Tennessee’s first capital city, the city of Knoxville played a huge role in the Civil War. History lovers in Knoxville, you will want to explore these seven historic hikes!
Fort Dickerson Park
Built in 1863, Fort Dickerson... [read more]
Do you find your little ones wanting to spend all their time on their tablets or smart devices? Have you tried to limit screen time because you want them to be learning instead of playing mindless games? Don’t worry, you are not alone! Instead of completely cracking down on screen... [read more]
Are you looking for a date night idea, something to do with the family, or just a change of scenery? Grab a picnic basket, pack up some favorite foods, and head to the park! It's hard to think of a better way to spend a leisurely summertime afternoon or evening... [read more]